Events & Classes

Paul Ferraresi instructs the class on the Sequence of Return Risk within his Social Security Retirement class.

Events & Classes

Don’t leave your financial security to chance – Learn the fundemental strategies to maximize your retirement income and ensure a comfortable and stress-free retirement.

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Testimonials From Our Valued Clients


Thank you for bringing so much more than subject matter knowledge to this seminar. Your energy, your humor and your passion brought it to life. I’ll never look at my 401k without thinking of you! Thank you! 

Arlene H.

Dear Paul,

The class has been a good refresher cause for things I don’t use daily. You have taught me new ideas and techniques for investing and different approaches for increasing my retirement income coming soon. Thanks for spending the week with us and all the information you thought. Wishing you health and happiness in your next fifty years!

Marilyn D.

Dear Paul,

Your use of Tactical Money Management has protected our stock market investments from major losses, met our risk tolerance and produced superb returns. Thank you so much!

Robert & Andrea A